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17 werken in Donemus catalogus

populaire werken

Red, white and blues : Dutch new blues pieces, for piano, 1996-2006, Volume 1

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: pf

Momo : Opera in 2 acts / Svitlana Azarova; libretto by Anna Bro

Genre: Opera, muziektheater
Subgenre: Opera
Bezetting: zang GK KK picc 2fl 2ob eh 2cl cl-b fg cfg 4h 3trp 3trb tb 3perc str

Mover of the Earth, Stopper of the Sun : for orchestra / Svitlana Azarova

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: pic 2fl 2ob 2cl 2fg 4h 2trp 2trb trb-b tb timp str

nieuwste editie

Awesome Stories : for 6 guitars / Svitlana Azarova

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Gitaar
Bezetting: 6g



Azarova, Svitlana

Nationaliteit: Ukraine
Geboortedatum: 1976-01-09
Website: Featured Composer's Page ;

Svitlana Azarova is a Ukrainian/Dutch composer of contemporary classical music. She was born on January 9, 1976, in the Ukrainian SSR of the Soviet Union and is currently living in The Hague.

Education: Svitlana Azarova took international summer master-classes held by composers as Marek Kopelent, Luis de Pablo, Paul Mefano, Jean-Yves Bossier and Zygmunt Krauze (Czech Republic).

After having graduated from Izmail Pedagogical Institute as music teacher in 1996, Svitlana entered Odessa State A.V.Nezhdanova Conservatoire where she studied composition, first under Prof. Olexander Krasotov and later under Prof. Karmella Tsepkolenko, until her graduation as composer in 2000. In that same year she took master-classes with Faraj Karaev and Krzystof Meyer in Azerbeidzjan.

In 2003, Svitlana participated in the 6 month long Gaude Polonia - a scholarship program of the Ministry Culture of Republic Poland, at the Frédéric Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw with professor Marcin Blazewicz.

With a grant of the society KulturKontakt Austria, Svitlana elected to participate in the 9th International Academy for New Composition and Audio-Art, Avantgarde Tirol in 2005 with Professor Boguslaw Schaeffer and Dr. Richard Boulanger. After this academy, she took up permanent residency of The Hague and began post-graduate studies in 2006 at conservatoire in Amsterdam under Theo Loevendie, where she graduated Master of Music in 2007.

Career: Svitlana has participated in many international workshops, festivals and projects. Some recent examples are Foro de Música Nueva - INBA (Mexico, 2013), Chamber Music Day (Holland, 2009), Musica Viva (Germany, 2007), and International Festival of Modern Art Two Days and Two Nights of New Music (Ukraine, 2001-2003, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2011).

Compositions: Svetlana Azarova has written compositions for various instruments and ensembles. Many of her works have been published by MCN/Donemus (The Netherlands) and TEM (Italy). They are performed in Armenia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and the USA, by for example Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra (ECSO).
Some recent titles are: ‘Hundred thirty one Angstrom’ for large orchestra (2014), ‘Concerto Grosso’ for violin, viola solo and string orchestra (2013), ‘Mover of the Earth, Stopper of the Sun’ for symphony orchestra commissioned by Orchestre National d'Île de France (2011), ‘Pure thoughts transfixed’ for large orchestra (2010), ‘Beyond Context’ for chamber orchestra by the Polish Institute in Kiev (Ukraine, 2008), ‘Trojaborg’ or solo clarinet by Michel Marang (The Netherlands, 2007) and ‘On Tuesdays’ for ensemble by Nieuw Ensemble (2007).

Her music is represented on the Compact Discs ‘Candours of Mystery’ (2003) and ‘Red, White and Blues’ (2007).

Residencies: From 2007-2015, Svitlana was composer in residence at the Visby International Centre for Composers (Sweden). With a stipend of Felix Meritis foundations’s Gulliver project, she visited the Czech Music Centre (Czech Rep.) and Klangspuren Festival (Austria) in 2008 and also the Gaudeamus Music Week in 2005 and studied the extensive library of the Gaudeamus Foundation Contemporary Music Center (The Netherlands). Furthermore, Svitlana was chosen for the Scholarship project pass_ПОРТ within the Dresdner Tage der zeitgenossischen Music (Germany) by the Dresden Centre of Music in 2007.


Svitlana Azarova (1976, Oekraïne) volgde masterclasses bij bekende componisten zoals Marek Kopelent, Luis de Pablo, Paul Mefano, Jean-Ives Busser en Zygmunt Krauze (Tsjechie). In 2000 beëindigde zij haar studie compositie aan het Odessa State A.V.Nezhdanova Conservatorium (nu Odessa State A.V.Nezhdanova Musical Academy) bij Karmella Tsepkolenko. In datzelfde jaar volgde ze masterclasses bij Faraj Karaev en Krzystof Meyer in Azerbeidzjan. In 2003 nam zij deel aan een studieprogramma (Gaude Polonia) van de Frédéric Chopin Academy of Music in Warschau bij Marcin Blazewicz en in 2005 kreeg zij een beurs van KulturKontakt Austria voor de 9th International Academy for New Composition and Audio-Art, Avantgarde Tirol met Boguslaw Schaeffer en Richard Boulanger (Seefeld, Oostenrijk). In 2007 voltooide zij haar master studie compositie bij Theo Loevendie aan het Amsterdams Conservatorium.

Svitlana Azarova schreef werken voor verschillende bezettingen en ensembles. Enkele titels zijn: Onderdrukte Haast (Suppressed Haste) voor koperkwintet (2007); On Tuesdays voor ensemble op tekst van Daniel Harms - geschreven voor het Nieuw Ensemble (2007); Sounds from the Yellow Planet voor ensemble met opnamen van de virtuoze Khoomei-zanger Nikolay Oorzhak (2006); Model Citizens voor cello en piano, in opdracht van Doris Hochscheid en Frans van Ruth (2006); Valentina's Blues voor piano, in opdracht van Marcel Worms (2006); Hotel Charlotte voor strijkkwartet (2005); The Violinist's morning espresso voor viool (2005); Outvoice, outstep and outwalk voor basklarinet (2004); Asiope voor ensemble (2004); Go-as-you-please voor ensemble (2003); Symphonic Lana Sweet voor symfonieorkest (2003); Feet on Fire voor 2 slagwerkers (2003); In the Icy Loneliness voor 2 cello's (2002); Axis of Every Karuss... voor klarinet, piano en cello (2002); As for the Clot it is Slowly... voor tuba (2001); Chronometer voor piano (2000). Haar werken worden uitgevoerd in Armenië, Oostenrijk, Duitsland, Italië, Letland, Nederland, Polen, Rusland, Oekraïne en de Verenigde Staten

Compact Discs
CANDOURS OF MYSTERY (Multimedia database of Ukrainian Woman Composers (2003)
RED, WHITE & BLUES (32 New Dutch Blues, Marcel Worms, piano (2007)

Svitlana Azarova