
Hekster, Walter

Walter Hekster is geboren in Amsterdam op 29 maart 1937. Opleiding In 1961 behaalde hij zijn einddiploma aan het Amsterdams Conservatorium, waar hij bij Ernest W. Mulder compositie studeerde en klarinet bij ...

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Encounter : for a recorder solo, (1973) / Walter Hekster

Uitgever: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1973
Uitgavenummer: 01273
Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Blokfluit
Bezetting: rec
Bijzonderheden: In opdracht van en geschreven voor Gilles Plante
Tijdsduur: 4'00"
Aantal spelers: 1
Compositiejaar: 1973
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Program note (English): Encounter was written for the Canadian recorder-player Gilles Plante, who also premiered the piece. The composition was inspired by my impressions of nature in the dense Canadian forest of Lake McDonald, here it was conceived. Nevertheless, it is not a musical portrayal of the many birdsongs, nor of the wind rustling through the trees, nor the stillness on the lake, though all these things exerted a strong influence on the sounds gestures, and tone-figures in Encounter.
Subtle colours and articulations alternate quickly with harsh sounds which can be played to the extreme. Only the glissando-like passages should never be sharply defined, and the accented notes of the end of a glissando do not have to be pure and detached, but should rather tend to tune towards the principal note. - WALTER HEKSTER

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