
Kuit, Roland

Composer/Sonic artist Roland Emile Kuit started his research in the electroacoustic field after studying flute at the Royal Conservatory, The Hague. He signed up for research in analogue studio techniques, ...

gerelateerde werken

Laboratory of Patching : Illustrated Compendium of Modular Synthesis / Roland Kuit

Genre: Electronische Muziek
Subgenre: Elektronische muziek

Nightstreams : for 4 EWI controllers & computer / Yannis Kyriakides

Genre: Electronische Muziek
Subgenre: Elektronische muziek
Bezetting: elec

Part 15 : Landscape of a Voice / Roland Kuit

Genre: Electronische Muziek
Subgenre: Elektronische muziek

Part 2 : Landscape of a Voice / Roland Kuit

Genre: Electronische Muziek
Subgenre: Elektronische muziek



_0_, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, .0. / Roland Kuit

Uitgavenummer: 13225
Genre: Electronische Muziek
Subgenre: Elektronische muziek
Bezetting: electronics
Tijdsduur: 34'00"
Compositiejaar: 2012
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

The Fibonacci sequence backwards: (1597), 987, 610, 377, 233,144, 89, 55, 34 Hz. as fundamentals for track 9 to 1. The division of the time ratio was 1/6 by every track. 
Creating a turn in the time domain. 
Track 1: "_0_" represents this stack as an overture. 
Track 2: 1597 Hz is divided backwards in a linear way to 8 sinus tones. Subtracting one every sound, until the fundamental 987 Hz. is reached. 
Track 3: 987 Hz is divided backwards in a linear way to 7 sinus tones. Subtracting one every sound, until the fundamental 610 Hz is reached. And so on. 
Creating tone and rest blocks. These equations, unlike the golden ratio, create different clusters with their intrinsic character. 
Track 10: ".0." is Noise. 
Presenting random sine waves from 34-1597 Hz. between the, here used, Fibonacci cardinal points.

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Product Omschrijving Prijs/stuk Aantal
Elektro-akoestisch Download, 13 bestanden, 132,962 MB EUR 30,25
CD/DVD, 13 bestanden, 132,962 MB EUR 42,35