
Musica Divina (Volume I) : Madrigals for 4 & 5 voices / Assembled by Pietro Phalesio; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers

Uitgavenummer: 14543
Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: GK
Bijzonderheden: Early Music Edition.
Compositiejaar: 1588
Status: Unieke collectie Renaissance-handschriften overgebracht naar hedendaagse notatie. Honderden vocale werken die in verschillende bibliotheken in Europa waren weggestopt en nu voor het eerst beschikbaar zijn dankzij redacteur Cees Wagemakers.

Overige auteurs:
Phalesio, Pietro (Samensteller)
Wagemakers, Cees (Editor)
André Pevernage: Fra l’altre virtu (2’30”)
Philippe de Monte: Alma ben nata (1’45”)
Anon.: Amor quando m’ invia (2’)
Cypriano de Rore: Anchor che col partire (2’15”)
Philippe de Monte: Quando da gl’ occhi (2’45”)
Philippe de Monte: Da bei rami scendea (3’)
Jean de Macque: Non al suo amante (2’45”)
Jean de Macque: Amor e’ l ver fu meco (2’)
Noé Faignient: Chi per voi non sospira (3’30”)
Geronimo Vespa: Ditemi, o Diva (2’30”)
Giovanni Maria Nanino: Morir non puo’ el core (2’15”)
Orlando di Lasso: Poi ch’ el mio largo pianto (1’30”)
Giovanni Maria Nanino: Scoprirò l’ ardor mio - Se voi set’ il mio sol (4’45”)
Girolamo Conversi: Ma se tempo gia mai (2’15”)
Philippe de Monte: Ahi chi mi romp’ il sonno - Di ch’ ella mosso (4’)
Giaches de Wert: Cara la vita mia - Poi che con gl’ occhi veggio (3’30”)
Noé Faignient: Parmi veder la bella donna mia (2’)
Giovanni Maria Nanino: Erano i capei d’ or - Non era l’ audar (4’30”)
Gianetto Palestina: Vestiva i colli - Cosi le chiome mie (4’30”)
Andrea Gabrieli: Caro dolce ben mio (3’)
Anon.: Ogni loco (3’)
Anon.: Poscia che per mio (2’15”)
Domenico Ferrabosco: Io mi son giovinetta (2’30”)
Pietro Vinci: Sappi Signor (1’45”)
Girolamo Conversi: Sola soletta (1’45”)
Alessandro Striggio: Chi farà fed’ al cielo (2’45”)
Luca Marenzio: Liquide perle amor (1’15”)
Giovanni Ferretti: Sei tanto gratiosa (1’)
Giovanni Ferretti: Donna crudel (2’)
Giovanni Ferretti: Come possio morir (1’)
Anon.: Amor che deggio far (2’)
Anon.: Gionto m’ hamor (1’15”)
Anon.: Gia fu chi m’ hebbe cara (2’15”)
Spirito l’Hoste da Reggio: Dolce contrade (1’15”)
Giaches de Ponto: Con lei fuss’ io (2’15”)
Anon.: Qual piu crudel martire (3’)
Musica Divina is the title of this album. One would expect sacred music, but there is nothing sacred in these madrigals. They all are about love; not just love, but unfortunate, unattainable, unhappy, deceived or disrupted love.If one wanted to translate the title Celestial Music could do. Because celestial they are, all of the 58 madrigals by 19 illustrious composers, as is mentioned in the original title.
The collector of this album Pietro Phalesio The Younger (Pierre Phalèse - or Vander Phaliesen) did a wonderful job in 1588 by assembling this collection of madrigals by more or less well-known composers. Many of the authors are famous, such as Di Lasso, De Monte, De Rore, Nanino, Gabrieli, Striggio and Marenzio. But the others are also worth singing and listening to.
All of the madrigals are written according to the prima prattica, the strict rules of madrigalism near the end of the 16th century.

Cees Wagemakers

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