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Die Schule der Headbängigkeit : Seven metal etudes for piano / Jan-Bas Bollen

Uitgavenummer: 15222
Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: pf
Tijdsduur: 50'00"
Aantal spelers: 1
Compositiejaar: 2014
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Bollen, Jan-Bas (Componist)
The piano solo etude book "Die Schule der Headbängigkeit" consists of seven original com-positions. They are called "Metal Etudes", since they are inspired by the sound and feel of the genre, in particular its sub-genre “Tech Metal” - hence also the title of the book, a word play on the famous and often dreaded Schule der Geläufigkeit ("School of Velocity") by Carl Czerny (1791–1857), a student of Ludwig van Beethoven and one of Franz Liszt' teachers. To avoid any misunderstandings I like to point out that my etudes are not "Metal" songs, but rather contemporary workouts for advanced musicians who are, like me, sympathetic to the techniques used by bands in the Metal scene to construct - often spectacular - polymet-rical grooves, complex melodic patterns, dense chordal structures and lyrical workouts. Moreover, I’ve attempted to connect to the tradition of piano etudes by Chopin, Debussy, Liszt, Bartok and Ligeti and other composers, in which exercises are promoted to the status of concert stage works. References to that tradition are included in the choices and elabora-tions of the musical material. I have tried to notate the material in a way that facilitates learning the pieces by heart, fol-lowing my admiration for the ability of Metal musicians to recall very complex patterns live by heart - without any form of notation.
Jan-Bas Bollen

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Partituur Download naar Newzik (B4), 42 pagina's EUR 25,51
Download in PDF (B4), 42 pagina's EUR 30,61
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 42 pagina's EUR 51,03
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 42 pagina's EUR 41,81