gerelateerde werken

24 capriccio's voor viool solo

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Viool
Bezetting: vl

Feniks : opera voor een zangeres en een zanger

Genre: Opera, muziektheater
Subgenre: Opera
Bezetting: female voice male voice

Meraviglia : chamber opera, 1984 / libretto: Christiaan M. van der Eijk, music: Roland Voortman

Genre: Opera, muziektheater
Subgenre: Opera
Bezetting: sopr sopr-m bar fl ob(eh) cl cl-b fg h vl vl(vla) vla vc cb

De droom : opera, Hilversum 1962-1963 / Ton de Leeuw

Genre: Opera, muziektheater
Subgenre: Opera
Bezetting: sopr a-mezzo bar GK4 3222 2220 timp 2perc mar hp str dancers



Ritratto : Opera / Willem Jeths; libretto Frank Siera

Uitgavenummer: 18112
Genre: Opera, muziektheater
Subgenre: Opera
Bezetting: zang GK cl fg h timp 2perc hp pf str
Bijzonderheden: Commissioned by the Dutch National Opera & Ballet. Dedicated to Pierre Audi.
Tijdsduur: 75'00"
Compositiejaar: 2018/2019
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Siera, Frank (Tekstdichter/librettist)
Jeths, Willem (Componist)
Ritratto is the Italian word for 'portrait' and the title of this opera. The young orphaned and married, excessively wealthy Italian Marchesa Casati strove to be seen throughout her life. She was famous for the exuberant parties she organized. She allowed herself to be portrayed or photographed by numerous artists.
With her black-rimmed eyes, her flaming red hair and eccentric behaviour she tried to gain a place in the art world. Against the background of the first world war, the libretto questions the importance of art.
At a feast of Casati, all sorts of artists from the time of Casati are brought together. At the time, it was the Futurists who paved the way for fascism with their art. Casati does not engage with secular problems and focuses on her passion. In opera she goes even further than in real life; by not seeing, she tries to be seen herself.

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