gerelateerde werken

Metamorphosis : for orchestra / Yip Ho Kwen Austin

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: picc 2fl 2ob eh 2cl cl-b 2fg cfg 4h 3trp 2trb trb0b tb 2perc str

Sinfonietta : per orchestra, 1940/41 / Jan van Dijk

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: 2233 4331 timp perc hp pf str

Hymne : for harmony orchestra / Chiel Meijering

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: pic 2fl 3ob 2fg 4cl sax-s sax-a sax-t sax-b 4h 3trp 3trb bar 3tb 5perc cb

Mikhail (Who is like unto God?) : for violoncello and symphony orchestra / Katia Tiutiunnik

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: 2fl 2ob 2cl 2bsn 4h 2tpt 2trb tb perc hrp vc-solo vl1-2 vla vc db



Metamorphosis : for orchestra / Yip Ho Kwen Austin

Uitgavenummer: 18124
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: picc 2fl 2ob eh 2cl cl-b 2fg cfg 4h 3trp 2trb trb0b tb 2perc str
Tijdsduur: 6'00"
Compositiejaar: 2016
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Yip, Austin (Componist)
Artists often like to develop their works around the concept of “metamorphosis”, but the understanding of “metamorphosis” varies among people. With Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”, people often regard the title as the “change of form”, rather than an “improved change”—because the protagonist wakes up one day and realises himself being transformed into a giant insect. Such transformation differs from people’s normal understanding of the term “metamorphosis”, which is often the process to transform something from an immature state to a relatively more mature state. However, Kafka’s protagonist transforms from the family’s support into a gigantic burden in just one night. In the reader’s eyes, it seems as if the title “Metamorphosis” refers more to the transformation of the protagonist’s family, which turns well after the protagonist’s death, rather than the protagonist himself.
This work, entitled “Metamorphosis”, is to be paired up with its Chinese name, “Po Kan”, which literally means “to break through a cocoon”. It depicts the moment of how a troublesome matter resolves, and the short instance right after the process. Similar to how a worm transforms into a cocoon, and then to a butterfly, after the process of metamorphosis, the short instance of beauty gradually changes, and eventually the butterfly faces death. In Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”, the protagonist’s family seems to have a bright life after the protagonist dies, but actually no one knows what happens to them next. Nonetheless, everyone enjoys the moment of the transformation.
Austin Yip

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