gerelateerde werken

Music for Cello : for cello and live electronics / Andrius Arutiunian

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Cello met multimedia
Bezetting: vc tape

observatory : for ensemble with tape / Yannis Kyriakides

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers) met multimedia
Bezetting: rec db vla acc perc tape

Face : for female vocalist, recorder(s), violin, piano, electronics and video / Yannis Kyriakides

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers) met multimedia
Bezetting: voc rec vn pf electronics

Opera for the Unknown Woman : for 14 voices, violin, violoncello, percussion and electronics / Katarina Glowicka; text Melanie Wilson

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers) met multimedia
Bezetting: GK4 vlc vc perc tape



Deserted Steps : for ensemble, live electronics and video / Andrius Arutiunian

Uitgavenummer: 18175
Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers) met multimedia
Bezetting: fl(picc) cl-b tpt g-elec perc vn vc db electronics
Bijzonderheden: [038]
Tijdsduur: 27'00"
Compositiejaar: 2018
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Arutiunian, Andrius (Componist)
In 2007, Dutch composer and artist Sedje Hémon launched a virtual museum of her work. It was built inside of the early-virtual reality platform Active Worlds. This platform allowed its users to freely navigate and build near-infinite space, while socializing with each other. In Hémon’s virtual museum, one could enter her paintings and explore them in a three-dimensional way. Though the museum went offline in 2011, I recovered it to be used as part of the live score in this piece.
Discovering the Active Worlds platform, I was struck by its early-internet aesthetics as well as the vastness of its digital landscapes. Strolling through endless digital worlds in Active Worlds that were once filled people and voices (and now are abandoned digital deserts), I couldn’t help to wonder what happens to the forgotten virtual spaces. I also noticed that all the worlds (of which there are many) are filled with digital graffiti - short inscriptions left by people on the walls of the sites they built and took care of. These traces in their simplicity and poetics, reminded me of the cave drawings, especially in their function - to leave a mark in a new and uninhabited world.
Parts 1&3 of my piece use the video and graffiti material from various two-decade-old worlds at the Active Worlds, reimagining this abandoned space still being roamed by its decaying AI and the last remaining users. The second part of the piece opens up with the conductor entering the VR museum of Sedje Hémon and exploring its spaces live on stage. The musicians follow an intricate system of cues and signs, and sonify the VR museum as the conductors navigates its quiet chambers.
Andrius Arutiunian

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