
Kim, Nubim Soyoung

“Nubim approaches Western harmony in a way that Western composers never could, because she looks at it with foreign eyes.” Klaas de Vries (composer, honorary professor at Codarts, Netherlands) Nubim is a ...

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Between Silence and Light : Electronic music / Nubim Soyoung Kim

Uitgavenummer: 20029
Genre: Electronische Muziek
Subgenre: Elektronische muziek
Bezetting: tape
Bijzonderheden: First track of Nubim’s album <Chapel of Light (2020)>. Selected piece by ICMC2018 (43rd International Computer Music Conference) and premiered at the conference. This piece is permanently archived at New York University (US).
Tijdsduur: 11'13"
Compositiejaar: 2017
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

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Elektro-akoestisch Download, 3 bestanden, 0,049 MB EUR 60,50