gerelateerde werken

Saxophone Concerto : for alto saxophone and string orchestra / Christian Blaha

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Bezetting: sax-a str

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Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: pf

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Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: 2pf

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Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: 2pf



Piano Sonata Nº 1 / Christian Blaha

Uitgavenummer: 20145
Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: pf
Bijzonderheden: First performance: 18th of May 2000 at the Fontys Conservatory Tilburg (NL) by Jan-Willem Rozenboom.
Tijdsduur: 14'00"
Aantal spelers: 1
Compositiejaar: 1996/1997
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Blaha, Christian (Componist)
Piano Sonata Nr.1 could be seen as my ‘opus 1’, composed between October 1996 and March 1997 during my third year of study with Alexandre Hrisanide (1936-2018). I dedicated it with gratitude to my piano professor and mentor Joop Albracht (1946-2018).
The first part is written in sonata form, the middle section can be seen as a colorful intermezzo, and the finale is based on an uncompromising passacaglia.
Christian Blaha

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