gerelateerde werken

Saxophone Concerto : for alto saxophone and string orchestra / Christian Blaha

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en strijkorkest
Bezetting: sax-a str

Poema del Cante Jondo : Fantasy on Flamenco Rhythms; for piano / Thomas Beijer

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: pf

Solaire : for piano, 1961 / Jos Kunst

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: pf

Ups and downs : for piano, opus 7a, 1944 / Lex van Delden

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: pf



¿zzaJ : for piano / Christian Blaha

Uitgavenummer: 20182
Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: pf
Bijzonderheden: Commissioned by Marcel Worms for his international Blues-project. First performance in May 2000 at the Dutch Embassy in Brussels by Marcel Worms (piano).
Tijdsduur: 2'00"
Aantal spelers: 1
Compositiejaar: 1999
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Blaha, Christian (Componist)
Marcel Worms: “Of course 12- or 16-bars schemes, blue notes or I-IV-V chord changes are absolutely not a prerequisite. The pianist is only interested in Blues as a ‘state of mind’ so to speak. As Michael Finnissy expressed it: ‘to be able to feel the Blues is necessary to survive in this world…’”

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