gerelateerde werken

Black City : Concerto for violoncello and orchestra Nº 2 / Douglas Knehans

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: vc-solo dulc pf hp sopr(offstage) 2fl(picc) 2ob 2cl 2fg(cfg) 4h 2tpt 2trb-t trb-b tb timp 3perc str

Rhapsodie pour violon et ensemble : opus 21, 1994 / Arne Werkman

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Viool en groot ensemble; Viool en strijkorkest
Bezetting: cemb 6vl 2vla 2vc cb vl-solo

Glenz : for violin solo and string orchestra, 1993 / Willem Jeths

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Viool en strijkorkest
Bezetting: str vl-solo

Concerto per due violini ed orchestra a corda : (1970-71) / Oscar van Hemel

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Viool en strijkorkest
Bezetting: str 2vl-solo



... mist, memory, shadow... : for violin and strings / Douglas Knehans

Uitgavenummer: 21278
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Viool en strijkorkest
Bijzonderheden: Commissioned by the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra for Jan Sedivka on his 90th birthday and my friend Jun-Yi MA and the TSO strings
Tijdsduur: 10'00"
Compositiejaar: 2007
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Knehans, Douglas (Componist)
"…mist, memory, shadow…" is a short elegiac work commemorating a triumvirate of things I consider iconically related to Tasmanian musical heritage.
First of all, mist stands centrally in the profound effect the environment exerts upon all Tasmanian musicians – its quiet, unrelenting and strong presence that seems to yield to neither time nor the modern world. Environment seems to exert an influence on all Tasmanian artists to draw them deeper into the timeless mysteries of place and our presence in that place.
Memory is linked with this, since the still environment of Tasmania’s natural wilderness seems to catalyse a reflection on the present and how this is contextualised within the past, and by implication also the future.
Shadow refers to both the incredible natural light of Tasmania but also the long ‘shadow’ cast by Jan Sedivka and the TSO on this very special place and the musical art that is borne and takes place here.
"…mist, memory, shadow…" is thus a kind of still elegy that gently reflects on place and people with a central section that is more assertive and keyed to the passions so necessary to establish art and music in this fragile, timeless island.
The work is dedicated to my good friend MA Jun-Yi and the tremendous TSO strings in honour of the 90th birthday of another good friend, master musician Jan Sedivka.
Douglas Knehans

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