
Laudi d'Amore (Praise of Love) : 16 madrigals for 5 voices / Various composers, assembled by Girolamo Boni; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers

Uitgavenummer: 21873
Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: GK
Bijzonderheden: Early Music Edition.
Compositiejaar: 1598
Status: Unieke collectie Renaissance-handschriften overgebracht naar hedendaagse notatie. Honderden vocale werken die in verschillende bibliotheken in Europa waren weggestopt en nu voor het eerst beschikbaar zijn dankzij redacteur Cees Wagemakers.

Overige auteurs:
Wagemakers, Cees (Editor)
Anonymous (Early Music) (Componist)
Costanzo Porta: Non esser di me schiva (2’)
Tomaso Boldon: Volse Giove saper (2’45”)
Bartolomeo Faveretto: Amor se leghi e sciogli - Ma desio ben (6’30”)
Luigi Pace: Amor sonui ch’ ardire - E non s’ aveggon essi (4’15”)
Girolamo Filippo: Il biodo crin (2’)
Oliviero Balis: Se Giove, se Pluton (2’15”)
Amadio Freddi: Quanto sia il tuo valore (3’45”)
Girolamo Boni: Dialogo à 7: Chi sei fanciul (2’30”)
Girolamo Boni: Lodi ogni Ninfa (2’45”)
Anon.: In mezo un prato (3’)
Bortolomeo Sorte: Io son Amor e Dio - Ma se fedel amante (4’15”)
Giovanni Tollio: Chi non ha forza o cuore (2’30”)
Ludovico Viadana: Mentre vago Augeletto (3’15”)
Francesco Sole: Disse Clori a Mirtillo (2’45”)
Massimiano Gabbiani: Sente d’ Amor il Cielo (3’15”)
Rinaldo Coronetto: Al grato suon - I pastor che da un canto (5’45”)
Laudi d’ Amore presents songs of praise for Love itself. Not the languishing, weeping, longing songs about deceived, lost and disrupted love-out-of-reach, but Love (with capital L) itself. All the composers that have contributed to this collection were working for some time in Padua (Padova), either as chorus master or as organist. Some of them are unknown in literature.
Cees Wagemakers 2019

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