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Concerto Nº 6 "Métropolitain" : for saxophone quartet and orchestra / Jan-Peter de Graaff

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en orkest
Bezetting: sax-s-solo sax-a-solo sax-t-solo sax-bar-solo 2fl(picc) ob eh cl cl-b 2fg(cfg) 4h 2tpt 3trb tb timp 2perc hp pf/cel str

Concerto : per due sassofoni soprani ed orchestra, opus 91, Amsterdam 14-3-1967 / Lex van Delden

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en orkest
Bezetting: 2022 2100 timp str 2sax-s-solo

Prélude, Mélodie et Ronde : pour saxophone et orchestre / Jan van Dijk

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en orkest
Bezetting: 1020 1000 hp str sax-a-solo

Fingers : for tenor saxophone and orchestra, 1991 / Geert van Keulen

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en orkest
Bezetting: 2222 2210 2perc pf str sax-t-solo



Concerto Nº 6 "Métropolitain" : for saxophone quartet and orchestra / Jan-Peter de Graaff

Uitgavenummer: 22991
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en orkest
Bezetting: sax-s-solo sax-a-solo sax-t-solo sax-bar-solo 2fl(picc) ob eh cl cl-b 2fg(cfg) 4h 2tpt 3trb tb timp 2perc hp pf/cel str
Bijzonderheden: Commissioned by Residentie Orkest and Ardemus Saxophone Quartet. World premiere on 19 October 2024 at Amare, Den Haag, during Festival Dag in de Branding.
Tijdsduur: 21'00"
Compositiejaar: 2023
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Graaff, Jan-Peter de (Componist)
Concerto no.6 “Metropolitain” is a concerto in two contrasting movements describing the feeling of living in an urban environment, where everything seems to be built to guide and transport humanity in such a way that maximum efficiency in such a way that there is no real distinction between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ anymore. However, the desire to find beauty, to live and to play is of such importance to human survival that when people subvert the efficiency into something beautiful or something playful, one can ask oneself the question: where lies the border between culture and nature within an urban environment? This piece tries to ask this question in a musical way.
In the first movement, the static, concrete nature of a business district is slowly transformed into shapes and forms that seam to break out in waves, lines and colours in an almost dreamlike state, where the
sounds of birds and reptiles are emerging from the saxophone quartet. The second movement is inspired by Line 9 of the Paris Metro, that frequently is being used by ‘train surfers’ to get a good view of the Eiffel Tower, crossing the Seine at 80 km/h, chased by the gendarmerie.
Jan-Peter de Graaff

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