gerelateerde werken

Siyâh Mashq III : for harpsichord / Idin Samimi Mofakham

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Klavecimbel
Bezetting: cemb

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Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Contrabas
Bezetting: db tape

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Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Contrabas

Non-Stop Electronic Love : Collection for tenor saxophone and audio tracks, Volume 4 / Chiel Meijering

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Saxofoon met multimedia
Bezetting: sax-t tape



...of struggle and hope : for contrabass quartet and electronics / Idin Samimi Mofakham

Uitgavenummer: 23157
Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Contrabas
Bezetting: 4db tape
Tijdsduur: 15'00"
Aantal spelers: 4
Compositiejaar: 2020
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Samimi Mofakham, Idin (Componist)
"... of struggle and hope" is a sonic reflection on the impact of the socio-political events in the world we are living in. It attempts to combine Ormavi's tuning system with the concept of finding the Iranian classical mode in the harmonic series, with a focus on the overtones of the fourth octave. The piece contains the timbral fluctuations of the acoustic instruments, the transformation of their sound and sonorities through digital audio processing, and at the same time, experiments with the idea of manipulation of the harmonic space and timbres in the fixed media part of the piece.

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Partituur Download naar Newzik (A3), 24 pagina's EUR 22,27
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Partij(en) Download naar Newzik (A4), 28 pagina's EUR 16,48
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