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24 capriccio's voor viool solo

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Viool
Bezetting: vl

Jesus is coming : for saxophone quartet & soundtrack with concert video ad lib. / JacobTV - Jacob Ter Veldhuis

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Saxofoon met multimedia
Bezetting: sax-s sax-a sax-t sax-b

Raaf : for alto saxophone solo with tape or alto saxophone, harpsichord and percussion, 2002 / Maarten van Norden

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers); Saxofoon met multimedia; Elektronica met verschillende instrumenten; Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers) met multimedia
Bezetting: sax-a tape/sax-a cemb perc

Pet Rescue : Version for saxophone quartet (with optional soundtrack) / Chiel Meijering

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Saxofoon met multimedia
Bezetting: 4sax tape(ad lib)



The Body of your Dreams : version for saxophone quartet & soundtrack with concertvideo ad lib. / JacobTV - Jacob Ter Veldhuis

Uitgavenummer: 23771
Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Saxofoon met multimedia
Bezetting: sax-s sax-a sax-t sax-b soundtrack
Bijzonderheden: Commissioned by Deutschlandfunk and composed in December 2002. First performance and radio recording March 15 2003 at Forum neuer Musik! during a live performance by Kees Wieringa at DLF in Cologne, Germany. The score was revised in 2004. In 
September 2005 it was recorded by the American pianist Andrew Russo on: 
JacobTV - Shining City, Basta Records 3091742 A version for guitar duo was made by the Groningen Guitar Duo and released on their last album: The Body of your Dreams, Basta Records 3091922 In 2020, the Argentinian guitarist Emmanuel Graglia revised that version and recorded it his 3d EP dedicated to the music of JacobTV. Other versions, for resp. sax quartet and string quartet, were arranged by the late José Oliver Riojas. JacobTV created a concert video to the piece in 2015.
In 2018, Myles Thatcher created a ballet on the original piano version for Joffrey Ballet in Chicago.
Tijdsduur: 8'35"
Aantal spelers: 4
Compositiejaar: 2002/rev.2004
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Veldhuis, Jacob ter (Componist)
The Body of your Dreams is based on the speech grooves. Jacob TV turned once again to American television, using a cheesy advertisement for a weight- loss product. The presenters enthusiastically demonstrate an electronic slimming belt, a device whose fine-turned wave transmissions will vibrate fat away: no sweat, no workout! ‘It’s one of the easiest ways ever to get your body in the shape you want it. It helps to tone and tighten your upper abs, lower abs, arms and legs with no sweat at all!. It's one of the simplest, smallest and most comfortable toning devices ever. You can use it while watching television, doing the dishes, mowing the decide! It also works great as an abdominal toning device while you are working out on your elliptical trainer or your treadmill; or while you are out for your daily walk. It's easy and effective. And no sweat!
‘It's most unlikely that the slim Dutchman Jacob TV has ever tried out the slimming belt himself. But he has discovered the musical potential of the endlessly-repeated commercial: the kick of feeling good, the joyful cries over pounds lost, and the faked excitement of endorsements. Jacob TV has forged the words together into an artistic polyphony of consumer terror, which he lets blare from a boombox. The pianist is the first victim: bar-pianist, sports-star and keyboard-machine in one, he has to follow the staccato of the speech, fitting his chords and minimalistic rhythms in between’ , Michael Struck-Schloen wrote for Deutschlandradio, 17-March-'03.

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