gerelateerde werken

24 capriccio's voor viool solo

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Viool
Bezetting: vl

GLAS : (based on the star HD 129929) / Willem Boogman

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Elektronica met verschillende instrumenten
Bezetting: glass percussion, computer and sound projection

Encoding Brian : for amplified ensemble with electronic processing / David Dramm

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Elektronica met verschillende instrumenten
Bezetting: 2fl cl-b 2sax-s 2h flug 2trb tb 2g-elec perc tape

Schimmen : for flute, percussion, double bass and live electronics / Ruud Roelofsen

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Elektronica met verschillende instrumenten
Bezetting: fl perc cb elec



White Flag : for rockband & soundtrack / JacobTV - Jacob Ter Veldhuis

Uitgavenummer: 24016
Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Elektronica met verschillende instrumenten
Bezetting: dr kb e.g e.g-b soundtrack
Bijzonderheden: Composed for the band Electric Kompany. The world premiere took place at the JacobTV Festival at the Whitney Museum in New York City, May 4, 2007. Special thanks to Kevin R.Gallagher for his assistance and research.
Tijdsduur: 15'00"
Aantal spelers: 4
Compositiejaar: 2006-2007
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Veldhuis, Jacob ter (Componist)
Believer 3'37"
Truck Five / Guy in the field 4'38"
Bitches 2'41"
White Flag 1'40"
Believer II 2'25"
White Flag was inspired by the war in Iraq, featuring George Bush, in a Christmas interview with Bill O’Reilly for Fox News, a number of amateur videos by US soldiers on the battle field in Iraq as well as a speech by US marine Rob Serra, Iraqi Veterans Against War.
The war in Iraq is the first war that is documented by soldiers themselves. We can hear them on the battlefield. White Flag contains hysterical moments of victory, intense despair and fear as well as cold blooded killing: the madness of war.

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