gerelateerde werken

Concerto for electric violin : for solo violin and ensemble, 1992 / James Fulkerson

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Viool en groot ensemble
Bezetting: 2010 2sax 2121 perc el.g g-b pf vl-solo

Sérénade : pour trompette et cor / Jan van Dijk

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Koperensemble (2-12 spelers)
Bezetting: h trp

In tempo corrente ... : for choir a cappella (or 2 trumpets, 3 horns, 2 trombones & tuba), 1977 / Daniel Brozak

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Gemengd koor; Gemengd koor en instrumenten; Koperensemble (2-12 spelers); Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers)
Bezetting: GK8 / 3h 2trp 2trb tb

Four brass links : for brass trio, 2003 / Klas Torstensson

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Koperensemble (2-12 spelers)
Bezetting: h trp trb



Mini-concerto : for solo trombone and 7 brass instruments, 1984 / James Fulkerson

Uitgever: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1992
Uitgavenummer: 08120
Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Koperensemble (2-12 spelers)
Bezetting: h 3trp trb-t trb-b tb trb-t-solo
Bijzonderheden: Voor tenortrombone solo, 3 trompetten, hoorn, tenortrombone, bastrombone en tuba. - In opdracht van Abbey Brass. - Met financiële steun van South West Arts. - Tijdsduur: ca. 15'30''
Tijdsduur: 16'00"
Aantal spelers: 8
Compositiejaar: 1984
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Fulkerson, James (Componist)
Program note (English): Mini-concerto is a concerto for trombone and seven brass instruments. The mini in the title refers to the chamber ensemble of brass instruments only - not to the scope of difficulty of the work. It is a work about space and spatial disposition in performance but also, the space of within the sound world itself. The work is in five sections which are performed without pause. Section I uses a chromatic, but static, 'block' of sound - a bubbling, frenzy of energy which ultimately settles onto a single pitch 'g.' Section II dissolves into the atonal, fast movement which is Section III. Section III also confirms the polarity of musical spaces which have been set out in the work, tonality - atonality. Section IV is a short interlude similar to the motionless quality of Section II: slow, suspended sounds, tone colors projected through the performance space, a plaintiff trombone melody slowly emerging. Section V, which is the largest single section of the work, is based upon the
concept of a soloist into a tape delay system. The 'answering voices' here are of course the other seven brass instruments which affords a variety of tone color which cannot be achieved by a tape delay system itself. It is in g minor. - JAMES FULKERSON

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