gerelateerde werken

Interchromie : voor 15 blazers, (1973) / Geert van Keulen

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Blazersensemble (13 en meer spelers)
Bezetting: 0332 3220

Cosmic Zoom : for ensemble / Chiel Meijering

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
Bezetting: 2fl/picc cl/cl-b sax-a/sax-s sax-bar/sax-s 2h tpt 2trb tb perc pf gtr-e bass-e

Spijkerboor : for ensemble, 2002 / Will Eisma

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
Bezetting: 2010 2sax 1121 perc g g-b pf

Opwaartsche wegen / Gilius van Bergeijk

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
Bezetting: 1220 sax-a 4100 2perc 2vl vla



Träff : for double wind quintet, double bass clarinet and double bass, 1995 / Geert van Keulen

Uitgever: Amsterdam: Donemus, 1995
Uitgavenummer: 08799
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
Bezetting: 2232 2000 cb
Bijzonderheden: Voor 2 fluiten (tevens piccolo's), 2 hobo's (2e tevens althobo), 2 klarinetten (2e tevens basklarinet), contrabasklarinet, 2 fagotten, 2 hoorns en contrabas. - In opdracht van Musik i Uppland. - Geschreven voor het Omnibus Wind Ensemble. - Cop. 1995. - Tijdsduur: ca. 13'
Tijdsduur: 13'00"
Aantal spelers: 12
Compositiejaar: 1995
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Keulen, Geert van (Componist)
Program note (English): [Premiere: November 16, 1995 - Uppsala - Omnibus Wind Ensemble] - The Swedish word TRÄFF has for me both musical and biographical meanings. Some years ago I was at a 'spelmannsträff' and I was struck by the atmosphere of spontaneous music making. This coming-together, this 'träff' is, in an abstract form, also a feature in my work for the Omnibus Ensemble: musical elements, personalities, of a seemingly independent nature, come together and continue to form new combinations. For example: an occasional soloist, in this case the double bass clarinet, tries to make his point clear and interrupts now and then; others join him later in their own way. In musical terms this means that the double bass clarinet introduces the use of scales, which is taken over by the other instruments until at the end of the work all play scales. For many years I had the pleasure of working together with the Omnibus as a conductor but now we meet, 'träff', for the first time in a work of mine which is
commissioned by and written for them. So again, in this respect, my composition is a 'coming-together', and ultimately, I hope that the work will be appreciated as a 'hit'. - GEERT VAN KEULEN

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