alle werken

30 werken in Donemus catalogus

populaire werken

Choral, Fugue e Prélude : for wind quintet / Patrick van Deurzen

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Blaaskwintet
Bezetting: fl(pic) ob cl(cl-b) fg h

Wahnbrot : Sechs Chorstücke nach Paul Celan / Patrick van Deurzen; lyrics Paul Celan

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: GK4

Six: a line is a dot that went for a walk : for flugelhorn, percussion and double bass / Patrick van Deurzen

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers)
Bezetting: bug 3perc cb

nieuwste editie

Kathenka's Dreams : after a theme by Jurriaan Andriessen; for 4-hands piano / Patrick van Deurzen

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano 4 handen
Bezetting: pf4h



Deurzen, Patrick van

Nationaliteit: Netherlands
Geboortedatum: 1964-01-01
Website: Featured Composer's Page ; Officiële website

Patrick van Deurzen (1964) studied Classical Guitar from 1983-1989 with Dick Hoogeveen and Music Theory from 1987-1991 with Peter-Jan Wagemans and Jan Kleinbussink and Instrumentation from 1983-1987 with Klaas de Vries at the Rotterdam Conservatory of Music. Although he composed from an early age, van Deurzen considers his works from 2001 as his official output.
Patrick van Deurzen was active as guitarist, conductor, singer and wrote several articles on 20th century music. At this moment, he devotes his time to composition and teaches Music Theory, Instrumentation and Arranging at the Royal Conservatory of the Hague and the Rotterdam Conservatory of Music and has some private composition students.
– Works written for the Aicart festival ‘Cantigas d’amor’ for tenor and piano (Performed in- and during Porto/Rotterdam cultural capital 2001).
– The Netherlands National Youth Choir performed ‘Eight Scenes from Alice’ during the World Choir Symposium in Japan 2005.
– The Schoenberg ensemble performed in 2006 ‘Six: a line is a dot that went for a walk‘.
– The DoelenKwartet performed in 2009 van Deurzen’s first stringquartet ‘Seven‘.
– The Latvian Radio Choir performed his ‘If I were God‘ for Choir, soloists, viola and cello a the fifth choir biennale in Haarlem 2009.
– 2010 – 11 a music-theatre piece ‘Turris Babel‘ for five female singers, stones, sticks and water is premiered by Wishful Singing at the Noorderkerk Amsterdam and toured through the Netherlands and Germany.
– In 2011 his works for solo clarinet and Bass clarinet were released on the double CD – Doubles, performed by the Spanish clarinetist Xocas Meijde.
– His orchestra-work ‘Tornado‘ (2011) was performed eight times with success in different Brazilian theaters; a.o. the Teatro National in Rio de Jainero and the MASP in Sao Paulo. Two years later the Novosibirsk Chamber Orchestra gave the Siberian premiere of ‘Tornado‘.
– In 2012 – 13 a 33 min. new work, ‘De Brief’, for Soprano & Theorbo was performed on sevral historic locations in The Netherlands by Leonore Engelbrecht and Elly van Munster. Van Deurzen wrote in 2013 also his first video-opera that was broadcasted on Dutch Television.
– New works for Marcel Worms (piano), Maarten van Veen (piano) and the New Morse Code (New York based cello/percussion duo) were premiered in 2014.
Awards: In 2002, Van Deurzen won the 2nd international competition for Choir-music in Belgium with ‘Deux poémes de Baudelaire’ for choir a-cappella (performed by the Flemish Radio Choir).