gerelateerde werken

Talisker : for ensemble / Luc Brewaeys

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers)
Bezetting: cl cl-cb h cl-choir slag

Histoire véritable de l'exécrable Count Dracula : for orchestra and tape, 1979-1985 / Vladimir Mendelssohn

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Zangstem en orkest; Orkest met multimedia
Bezetting: 4141 6431 7perc 2hp cel(synth) pf musical-saw str(14-16.12-14.10-12.10.8-10) sopr-m tape

Loopstate : voor kamerorkest, ensemble en live elektronica, 2003 / Huib Emmer

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest; Orkest met multimedia
Bezetting: orchestra: 2fl 2ob 2cl 2fg 2h 2trp 2trb str ; ensemble: el.g cl-b pf perc live electronics

Spatial music III : for chamber orchestra, in four groups / Ton de Leeuw

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest; Orkest met multimedia
Bezetting: pic fl fl-a 2cl ob eh 2fg sax-a 2h 2trp 2trb 2perc hp str (soundtrack ad.lib)



Due cose belle ha il mondo: l’amore e la morte... : for piano solo, chamber orchestra and live-electronics / Luc Brewaeys

Uitgavenummer: 13655
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest met multimedia
Tijdsduur: 13'00"
Compositiejaar: 1986, rev. 1988
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Brewaeys, Luc (Componist)
This work was commissioned by the French Ensemble Itinéraire after a successful performance I gave with them at the piano of "Trajet" in 1985. I wrote the piece in an incredibly short amount of time, and got ready some days only before the first performance. In general I was quite satisfied of the piece except of the 'cadenza' for the piano. When the piece was to be performed again on the occasion of my "Prix de Musique Contemporaine de Flandres - Québec" in 1988, I took the time to revise it quite extensively. I wrote a much more important, funny (and difficult) "interrupted" cadenza and I lengthened the "Gagaku" sequence, of which I was very happy, for my original aim was to recompose this kind of Japanese Court Music without using any of the original instruments : this was analogue to my First Symphony in which I wanted to write electronic music without electronics at all... I finally made some slight changes to the ending section. The live-electronics are quite extensive. There are 4 Ring-modulators, 1 for the piano, 1 for the percussion/harp/guitars group, 1 on the delay track and finally 1 for the complete orchestra (used only at the climax before the last section). Formally, the piece falls into 5 very clearly differentiated sections, framed by an introduction and a "Coda". It's like a little journey in the world of sounds...

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