gerelateerde werken

Concerto Nº 1 : for alto saxophone and concert band / Rene Ruijters

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en HaFaBra
Bezetting: sax-a-solo picc 2fl 2ob eh fg 4cl cl-b sax-a sax-ten sax-bar 4h 3trp 3trb bar tb bass timp perc

Four Movements : for saxophone quartet and wind orchestra / Bernard van Beurden

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en HaFaBra
Bezetting: 4sax-solo picc 2fl 2ob 3cl cl-b 2fg 2sax-a 2sax-t sax-bar 3trp 4h 4trb tb-ten tb-bass db timp

Concerto : for baritone saxophone and wind orchestra, 2007, Bernard van Beurden

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en HaFaBra
Bezetting: pic 2fl 2ob 3cl cl-b 2fg 2sax-s 2sax-a sax-t sax-br 4h 4trp 4trb 2tb-t tb-b timp perc cb sax-br-solo

Saxofoonconcert : voor harmonie-orkest, 1951 / Henk Badings

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en HaFaBra
Bezetting: 3383 4sax 4342 2bug 2crt 4barh timp 2perc sax-a-solo



Concerto Nº 1 : for alto saxophone and concert band / Rene Ruijters

Uitgavenummer: 15359
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Saxofoon en HaFaBra
Bezetting: sax-a-solo picc 2fl 2ob eh fg 4cl cl-b sax-a sax-ten sax-bar 4h 3trp 3trb bar tb bass timp perc
Tijdsduur: 9'00"
Compositiejaar: 2014
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Ruijters, Rene (Componist)
This Concerto is in every aspect a contemporary composition but has been inspired by diverse musical styles and composers, among others J.S. Bach and Olivier Messiaen. The duration of the Concerto is almost 9 minutes and it consists of two parts of almost equal length.
Part 1 is predominantly slow. A melodious introduction is followed by a temporary upswing which begins as a fugue and turns into a scherzando. The order is restored by the stately theme of a passacaglia, which in five variations builds up to a climax and ends in tranquility. Part 2 is predominantly fast. The fierce opening forms a strong contrast with the preceding part. It also introduces the solistic snare drum, which pushes the piece into an abrupt downfall.
After a gloomy andante the tempo is gradually increased towards the powerful and virtuoso cadenza. The Concerto is concluded by a reprise and thundering coda.

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