gerelateerde werken

Melodia Olympica : for 5, 6 and 8 voices / collected by Peter Philips; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: GK

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Melodia Olympica : for 5, 6 and 8 voices / collected by Peter Philips; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers

Uitgavenummer: 15468
Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: GK
Bijzonderheden: Early Music Edition.
Compositiejaar: 1591
Status: Unieke collectie Renaissance-handschriften overgebracht naar hedendaagse notatie. Honderden vocale werken die in verschillende bibliotheken in Europa waren weggestopt en nu voor het eerst beschikbaar zijn dankzij redacteur Cees Wagemakers.

Overige auteurs:
Wagemakers, Cees (Editor)
Philips, Peter (Samensteller)
Giovanni Battista Mosto (c. 1550-1596) - Dolci alpestre parole (3’00”)
Orazio Bassani (c. 1550-1615) - Poi che ne prieg’ ancor (2’45”)
Fabrizio Dentice (c. 1539-c. 1581) - Ahi crudel stato (2’00”)
Felice Anerio (c. 1560-1614) - Il giovenil mio core (2’00”)
Giovanni Maria Nanino (c. 1543-1607) - Quando fra bianche perle (6’00”)
Anon. - Mille fiate (1’45”)
André Pévernage (c. 1542-1591) - Infinita beltà (2’45”)
Peter Philips (c. 1560-1628) - Amor che vuoi (3’45”)
Sestina ‘La Musa Alba‘ (24’00”)
Orazio Vecchi (1550-1605) - La mia candida Ninfa (3’30”)
Alessandro Striggio (c. 1536-1592) - La ver l‘aurora (3’30”)
Anon. - Lumi, miei cari lumi (2’30”)
Jan van Turnhout (1520-1580) - Vorria parlare (2’15”)
Giovanni Battista Moscaglia (1550-1589) - Del secco incolto Lauro (2’45”)
Ippolito Sabino (1540-1593) - Vestiva i colli (6’15”)
Giovanni Battista Mosto (c. 1550-1596) - Io mi son giovinetta (3’30”)
Giulio Eremita (c. 1550-c, 1600) - Poi ch’el mio largo pianto (2’00”)
Giulio Eremita (c. 1550-c, 1600) - Arsi, del vostr’ amor (3’00”)
Cornelis Verdonck (1563-1625) - Tirsi son io (2’45”)
Peter Philips (c. 1560-1628) - Ditemi (Dialogo à 8) (3’00”)
Giovanni Maria Nanino (c. 1543-1607) - Questa si bianca neve (3’15”)
Giacomo Gastoldi (1554-1609) - Clori, mia pastorella (2’30”)
Giovanni Maria Nanino (c. 1543-1607) - Dolce fiammella mia (2’00”)
Cornelis Verdonck (1563-1625) - Fiammeggiavan due stelle (3’00”)
Ippolito Baccusi (c. 1550-1609) - Questo è quel chiaro fonte (2’45”)
Giacomo Gastoldi (1554-1609) - Caro soave e desiato bene (5’00”)
Gianetto (G.P. da) Palestrina (c. 1525-1594) - Non son le vostri mani (2’00)
In the year 1591 a collection of madrigals appeared in Antwerp at the Phalèse Printing firm. Collector was the English composer Peter Philips (c. 1560-1628), and the collection was dedicated to his patron Giulio Balbani, a wealthy Italian banker from Lucca (Italy), who was residing in Antwerp. That’s where Philips worked during his career in the Low Countries, in the town where he married his Flemish wife Cornelia de Mompère.
In the underlying collection are works of more Flemish composers like Cornelis Verdonck and André Pévernage. In the original title ‘madrigals for 4, 5, 6 and 8 voices’ are mentioned. The 4-voiced and
some of the 5-voiced works are available elsewhere on the internet. Here most of the 5-, 6-voiced madrigals and one 8-voiced madrigal are transcribed.

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