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Il cibo per la Musica : a musical menu for symphony orchestra / Rieteke Hölscher

Uitgavenummer: 17221
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: fl ob 3cl sax-a h 4tpt tb 2/3timp perc str
Tijdsduur: 15'00"
Compositiejaar: 2016/2017
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Hölscher, Rieteke (Componist)
Il Cibo per la Musica’ is a musical menu for symphony orchestra, food for the musical mind. I wrote the composition at request of Erik Waerts, conductor of Jeugdsymfonieorkest Bloembollenstreek.
The titles of the movements are inspired by Italian dishes, but the translation of these dishes are not always proper Italian. For example, the word “pizza” is female - but because “fortissimo” is a general musical term I took the liberty to use an incorrect conjugation for the title of the first part. Also pizza isn’t a dish that actually belong to the category antipasto. I hope the Italians may forgive me!
And although the Italian word for nuts (‘noci’) has a double meaning in Dutch (‘noten’: musical notes and nuts to eat) - the word has a single meaning in Italian. ‘Noci’ only refers in Italian to food, not to musical notes.
As with an Italian meal, one can choose from the menu, not all movements have to be played.
Each movement contains an educational element and also includes extended techniques in contemporary music - such as air sounds, keyslaps, feathered beams and indefinite events - something new and different in every movement.
Rieteke Hölscher - Kortenhoef, 2017

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