gerelateerde werken

String Quartet / Henriette Bosmans

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Strijkkwartet (2 violen, altviool, cello)
Bezetting: 2vl vla vc

Concertino : pour violoncelle et orchestre / Leo Smit

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Cello en orkest
Bezetting: 1111 1100 timp str vc-solo

Symphonische variaties : voor violoncel en orkest, op. 15 / Rudolf Mengelberg

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Cello en orkest
Bezetting: 3222 3130 timp perc cel hp str vc-solo

Rainbow concerto : for cello and orchestra / JacobTV - Jacob Ter Veldhuis

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Cello en orkest
Bezetting: fl(pic) fl(fl-a) ob 2cl fg fg(cfg) 4h trp trb trb-b timp perc mar hp str vc-solo



First Concerto : for cello and orchestra / Henriëtte Bosmans

Uitgavenummer: 19087
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Cello en orkest
Bezetting: vc-solo 2fl 2ob 2cl 2fg 4h 2tpt 3trb tb timp hp str
Bijzonderheden: The series of published scores of Forbidden Music Regained is a collaborative project by Donemus Publishing, the Leo Smit Foundation and the Nederlands Muziek Instituut (Dutch Institute of Music). This series was initially supported by the Investeringsfonds Muziek, an initiative by Buma/Stemra and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This publication was made possible thanks to a generous donation by the Rudi Martinus van Dijk Foundation.
Compositiejaar: 1922
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Leo Smit Stichting (Partner)
Rudi Marinus van Dijk Foundation (Partner)
Bosmans, Henriëtte (Componist)
The series 'Forbidden Music Regained' proudly presents works by composers who were persecuted during the Second World War. Performances of these works were forbidden during the war. Many composers were imprisoned, several did not survive and others went into hiding.
After the war a new generation took over. The pre-war composers were soon forgotten and their compositions remained hidden in closets and archives or fell otherwise into oblivion. In recent decades
numerous works have been rediscovered through the efforts of the Leo Smit Foundation. Some scores were found in attics, others in a garden shed and a pile of music was found by young children next to a garbage can. These compositions are of a high quality and deserve to be performed again. The diversity of styles represents the entire spectrum of the first half of the Twentieth century: romanticism, impressionism, modernism, neoclassicism, jazz, and so forth. This project aims to encourage musicians, young and old, from across the globe to perform these compositions, and for concert audiences to (once again) become acquainted with this “unheard” music.

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Partituur Download naar Newzik (B4), 132 pagina's EUR 60,34
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