gerelateerde werken

Nomadic Stories : for 2 dancers and 2 cellos / Adam Lukawski; libretto: Imogen Reeve

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Cello
Bezetting: 2vc

De zaterdageditie : voor krantenjongen, dirigent en ensemble / Guus Janssen

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
Bezetting: fl cl bsn tp acc perc pf 2vl vla vc cb actor

Metrum : for ensemble, 1995 / arr.: John Godfrey, Diderik Wagenaar

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
Bezetting: fl(pic) WX11wind contr. 3sax vibr el.g el.g-b acc 3keyboards el.vl

Deviaties : voor kamerorkest, 1986 / Guus Janssen

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
Bezetting: 2000 2000 2perc 9vl cb



Xing : for 2 conductors and ensemble / Adam Łukawski

Uitgavenummer: 19913
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
Bezetting: fl/picc ob cl/cl-b fg 2h 2tpt trb tb 4perc hp acc 2vn vla vc db
Bijzonderheden: Commissioned by Composers’ Festival Amsterdam. Premiere: 9.05.2019, The Score Collective Ensemble, conducted by Bas van Yperen and Ben Weishaupt.
Tijdsduur: 17'00"
Aantal spelers: 21
Compositiejaar: 2019
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Lukawski, Adam (Componist)
In Chinese philosophy, before the beginning of matter, there is just nothingness - such emptiness that for a human being it is not possible to imagine it. From emptiness, borders are created (Xing) to make a form for a perceivable emptiness (Wu). Some of the other meanings of Xing are: "new beginning", "to wake up", "to conduct".
The form of the piece was inspired by the physical string theory in which collisions of gigantic string-shaped structures give birth to the new universes operating with different dimensions and physical rules. In the piece, conductors deciding tempi of separate structures causes their meetings and beginnings of new small soundscapes.
The concept of an idea of connecting different elements to create something new in a secular ritual of logic and rhetoric reminds me of the one from the last novel by Hermann Hesse - The Glass Bead Game. As this concept is very important to me, I decided to translate his poem with the same title into the rhythmical code and further incorporate it into the musical structure as a symbol in the last 90 seconds of music.
Adam Łukawski

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