gerelateerde werken

LOGOS : for large orchestra / Benjamin de Murashkin

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: 3fl(fl-a/picc) 3ob(eh) 3cl(cl-b) 3fg(cfg) 4h 3tpt 3trb tb timp 3perc hp str

Mass : for choir and organ / Marjo Tal

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor en orgel
Bezetting: GK org

Aube : Symphonies pour quatre choeurs et orgue / Daan Manneke; lyrics by Arthur Rimbaud

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor en orgel
Bezetting: GK4 org

Pater noster : voor gemengd koor en orgel / Peter Visser

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor en orgel
Bezetting: GK4 org



Kyrie : for mixed choir with optional organ / Benjamin de Murashkin

Uitgavenummer: 20101
Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor en orgel
Bezetting: GK (org)
Bijzonderheden: Commissioned by the choir of Trinitatis Church, Copenhagen.
Tijdsduur: 4'00"
Compositiejaar: 2012
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Murashkin, Benjamin de (Componist)
Coming off a year of studying Palestrina’s style, I took the commission to compose choir music for services at Trinitatis Church in Copenhagen as an opportunity to take what had been a purely technical exercise and process it more creatively through my own compositional work. The conflict of having centuries past looking over my shoulders while wanting to break free of those stylistic rules resulted in music that straddles a fine line somewhere between pastiche and my own individual style.
In medieval Paris, composers started playing with the idea of singing multiple lines, giving birth to what we know as polyphony. Originally this took the shape of singing enormously embellished melismas on top of extremely elongated Gregorian chants. By the time of the Renaissance this practice was still in use by composers such as Palestrina, the chants now subtly hiding in plain sight in one of many voices, structurally and harmonically anchoring the music. I decided to take the challenge on myself, having altos and tenors take the original chant in the Kyrie and Christe sections respectively, while the rest of the choir weaves their lines around them.
Framing the music and giving it an other-worldly quality is the addition of a barely audible organ hanging onto harmonies in the background. This added layer sets the scene and at once emphasises the slow harmonic changes underlying the swifter movement of the many melodies, while also adding to the sense of space and peace in the music.
Benjamin de Murashkin

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