gerelateerde werken

Tinkling : or, Killing time in an airport lounge (and being arrested), for piano and ensemble, version for 9 players, 1999/2006 / Yannis Kyriakides

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers)
Bezetting: fl(pic) cl trb perc el.g vl vc cb pf-solo

Der Komponist : for orchestra and electronics / Yannis Kyriakides

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Orkest met multimedia
Bezetting: 2fl 2ob 2cl cl-b 2fg 2h 2trp 2trb tb 3perc pf str elec

the riot of spring : for tape and orchestra / Dmitri Kourliandski

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Orkest met multimedia
Bezetting: tape 3fl 3ob 3cl 3sax 4h 3trp 3trb tb 4perc str

Nerve : for orchestra, soundtrack and text projection / Yannis Kyriakides

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Orkest met multimedia
Bezetting: picc 2fl 2cl 2ob 2fg 5h 2tpt 2trb trb-b tb timp 2perc str tape



One Hundred Years : for orchestra, voices and electronics / Yannis Kyriakides

Uitgavenummer: 20139
Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Orkest met multimedia
Bezetting: 4zang sfl(picc) fl-a 2ob eh 2cl cl-b 2fg cfg 4h 2tpt 2trb trb-b tb 3perc cel hp str tape
Bijzonderheden: [150]. Commissioned by Gaudeamus to celebrate its 75th anniversary, with support of the Performing Arts Fund N. Dedicated to Henk Heuvelmans. Premiere 19th September 2020 by the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra & Silbersee conducted by Karina Canellakis, Concertgebouw, Amsterdam.
Tijdsduur: 17'00"
Compositiejaar: 2020
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Kyriakides, Yannis (Componist)
One Hundred Years is built on the encoding of the days of all solar eclipses, which took (and will take) place from 1945 to 2045.Composed during this extraordinary year we are experiencing, 2020, the piece scans the past 75 years, from the beginning of the so-called 'atomic age', and looks forward 25 years to 2045, the date given by Ray Kurzweil, when technological 'singularity' will supposedly occur - the moment when artifical intelligence will surpass human intelligence.
The piece is not meant as a narrative comment on specific dates or years that are named, rather a contemplation on the passing of time. How we look to the past and how we look to the future. As we hear dates and years gone by, we might associate them with historical or personal memories, and perhaps feel melancholic about a lost age, or identify with a particular decade. Hearing dates in the future, might give rise to uncertainty and fear, but might also evoke feelings of excitement and hope.
Yannis Kyriakides

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