gerelateerde werken

Eén liedje door de Hanzetijd : Four songs for two choirs and small ensemble / William Knight

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor en instrumenten
Bezetting: GK rec-s lute tambourine viola-da-gamba org

Caecilia : weledel maagd...., voor sopr.-, alt- en ten-solo met gemengd koor a capp. / (Guido Gezelle), Max Vredenburg

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: sopr alt ten GK4

Love Lives Again (Liefde leeft weer) : for mixed choir and piano / text and music: Kris Oelbrandt

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: GK pf

Mattheus Passie : 2006 / Boudewijn Tarenskeen

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: 19 voices



Walking with Thomas Hardy : for mixed choir a cappella / William Knight' text by Thomas Hardy

Uitgavenummer: 20651
Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: GK
Bijzonderheden: Dedicated to my father and silent editor. Commissioned by Cappella Amsterdam.
Tijdsduur: 11'00"
Compositiejaar: 2020
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Hardy, Thomas (Tekstdichter/librettist)
Knight, William (Componist)
The Going
The Walk
Rain on a Grave
The Haunter (The Walk)
"Walking with Thomas Hardy" is an exploration into the emotional journey of Thomas Hardy following the death of his wife Emma. It moves through realisation, anger, the undoing of self, a feeling of unfairness, and acceptance. During the piece, Hardy copes with the loss of Emma by denying the very real troubles he had with his wife and creating a beautiful unreality that he comes to accept as truth.

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Partituur Download naar Newzik (A4), 30 pagina's EUR 17,11
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