gerelateerde werken

10 Dimensions – AEB160 : for large orchestra / Spiros Mazis

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: picc 2fl 2ob 3cl cl-b 2fg cfg 4h 3tpt 3trb-t/trb-b tb-b 3perc pf str

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10 Dimensions – AEB160 : for large orchestra / Spiros Mazis

Uitgavenummer: 20751
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: picc 2fl 2ob 3cl cl-b 2fg cfg 4h 3tpt 3trb-t/trb-b tb-b 3perc pf str
Tijdsduur: 9'00"
Compositiejaar: 2009
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Mazis, Spiros (Componist)
10 Dimensions - AEB160 is inspired by the scientific theory of the 10 dimensions. Some theories in physics, including string theory, suggest that there may be additional spatial dimensions, and certain of these theories propose that there may be a specific number of these, such as 10.
In my work, I’ve been exploring the harmonic series and the relations of the intervals among their partials, in a way that I name multi-harmonic, multi-spectral modes which take shape if we combine different harmonic series. If we bind two, three, or more harmonic series together, then new shaping of sounds takes place vertically and horizontally.
I tried to represent the ten dimensions musically by multiplying the first 16 partials of a harmonic series by 10 (16*10 = 160), and I imagined that each dimension would contain the first 16 partials. I used three harmonic series whose fundamentals are A, E and B (separated by 5ths); the letters in the title of the piece (AEB 160) indicate that there are three harmonic series, each of which contains 160 partials.
Due to the fact that it was almost impossible to perform all these micro-intervals, especially on brass instruments, I studied the brass instruments mathematically and I use logarithms to discover new fingerings by means of which the performers would be able to play the partials of harmonic series more accurately.
Regarding the overall forms, I use mathematical roots to divide the sections of the form.
Spiros Mazis

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