gerelateerde werken

L'Élue : Prelude pour orchestre / Bram Kortekaas

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: picc 3fl(picc) fl-a 3ob 2eh 3cl 2cl-b 3fg 2cfg 8h 5tpt(tpt-b) 3trb 2tb 2timp 3perc str

Suite : uit het oratorium Gilgamesj, (Jan Eekhout), voor symf. ork[est], 1941, op. 21 / Ary Verhaar

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: 3222 4320 timp 3perc cel hp str

Naima suite : for orchestra, 1986 / Theo Loevendie

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: pic 2fl 2ob eh 2cl cl(cl-b) sax-a 2 fg cfg 4h 2trp 2trp(pic) tb timp 3perc hp pf(cel) str

Suite : voor jeugdorkest, Utrecht, winter 1954 / Ton de Leeuw

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Schoolorkest; Orkest
Bezetting: fl ob cl trp perc pf str(vl vc)



Gamut : for orchestra / Bram Kortekaas

Uitgavenummer: 20918
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: 2fl(picc) 2ob 2cl 2fg 2h 2tpt trb-b timp 2perc str
Bijzonderheden: Commissioned by Holland Festival. Composed with financial support from Fonds Podiumkunsten. World premiere: June 19th 2021, Muziekgebouw, Amsterdam by Philharmonie zuidnederland, conducted by Bas Wiegers.
Tijdsduur: 18'00"
Compositiejaar: 2020
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Kortekaas, Bram (Componist)
Gamut is commissioned by the Holland Festival for the performance Luistermutant 2021. This performance is an outcome of the research project GAMPSISS (GAmeful Music Performances for Smart, Inclusive, and Sustainable Societies); a cooperation between Codarts Rotterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Delft University of Technology and Willem de Kooning Academie.
In their research, GAMPSISS aims to enrich participants with better listening skills. A rich listening culture will enhance both the personal listening experience and the interpersonal listening skills of society as a whole.
Luistermutant 2021 is designed by composer Micha Hamel and director Arlon Luijten as a radical listening labyrinth that allows participants to extend their listening skills, or even discover new ways of listening, by performing playful listening tasks. Three different listening modes are central to the presented games: listening with the body, heart and brain.
While listening with the body, the audience tries to experience the effect of sound waves on the body. While listening with the heart, the audience tries to introspectively find the ideas, emotions and associations that are triggered by the music. While listening with the brain, the audience tries to listen analytically to the structure, instrumentation and other technicalities of the music.
After getting acquainted with these listening modes, the participants will listen to Gamut. The participants are encouraged to switch between listening modes during the performance. The stage lights indicate the listening mode that most closely fits the current music: green for listening with the body, red for listening with the heart and blue for listening with the brain.

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