gerelateerde werken

Harmonie! …wenn solches sie vernommen… : for ensemble / Kees Arntzen

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers)
Bezetting: fl cl bsn g vl vla vc db

Zwarte Bloemen : Twaalf liederen voor sopraan, klarinet en pianosextet / Josef Malkin

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en instrument(en)
Bezetting: sopr cl pf 2vln vla vc db

Grand duo concertant : for soprano & double bass / Enrique Raxach

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en instrument(en)
Bezetting: sopr cb

non si può fuggire ciaccona : for voice, piano (eight hands) and vibraphone / Andrzej Kwiecinski

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en instrument(en)
Bezetting: voc pf vibr



Guitarra mía : for baritone or mezzo-soprano and guitar / Kees Arntzen; poetry by Nicomedes Santa Cruz

Uitgavenummer: 21197
Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en instrument(en)
Bezetting: zang gtr
Bijzonderheden: Premiered by baritone Fernando Linares-Correa and Kees Arntzen in the fall of 2021 and recorded for the CD ‘Oda a la Guitarra'.
Tijdsduur: 8'00"
Aantal spelers: 2
Compositiejaar: 2021
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Arntzen, Kees (Componist)
This text was found in an antiquarian bookshop in Avenida de Maya in the heart of Buenos Aires. It builds upon the lines from a song by the famous tanguero Carlos Gardell who died in an aircrash in Colombia in the thirties. The son of the poet gave his permission to use this poetry for musical purposes. Together with texts by Borges, Neruda, Lorca and Cendoya this song forms the complete cycle ‘Oda a la guitarra’.
Kees Arntzen

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