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Nine Dragons : for piano / Man-Ching Yu Donald

Uitgavenummer: 21573
Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: pf
Bijzonderheden: 21st of October 2010, Lembaga Indonesia Prancis Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Contemporary Music Festival, Indonesia | Angelica Liviana, piano.
Tijdsduur: 6'00"
Aantal spelers: 1
Compositiejaar: 2010
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Yu, Donald (Componist)
Nine Dragons is a single movement concert piano piece. It is inspired by the Chinese painting The Nine Dragons which was painted by Chen Rong in 1244 AD during the Sung Dynasty. In the piece, there are nine sections and each section represents each dragon. Throughout the piece, the technique of abstract variation is employed. The middle sections of the piece are articulated by some textural contrasts for becoming more pointillistic and a preceding climax is featured by saturating with dramatic double octaves in which developing variations take place. After the climax, a passage full of ostinato emerges and the ostinato cells are mainly derived from the motivic cell at the beginning of the piece. Generally speaking, numerous Chinese colours are involved in the whole piece and those colours are more often juxtaposed and blended with atonal languages for generating my unique personal voice.
Donald Yu

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