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amour : for piano / Piet-Jan van Rossum

Uitgavenummer: 21769
Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Piano
Bezetting: pf
Bijzonderheden: Premiered by Yumiko Segawa in her recital 'Segaway 7' at Toppan Hall, Tokyo, March 23d 2018. A year later she included it on her CD 'anatomy of Aphrodite'.
Tijdsduur: 12'45"
Aantal spelers: 1
Compositiejaar: 2018
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Rossum, Piet-Jan van (Componist)
Summer 2018: I was writing a piano transcription of my ensemble/orchestra-piece 'à Hanso-bo, un corbeau apparait et regarde' and this transcription got bigger and more and more different from the original and became a piece of its own; I realized I was working so eagerly because my love for harmony, color and
structure came forward in a very clear and honest way. It became more and more a little gemstone and I kept polishing it. It was like the reverse of Luciano Berio turning his Sequenzas into Chemins; where Berio took a flower and turned it into a garden, I took a garden and brought it back to soil and seeds.
And then when I came to the title I thought: it's about one of the few things that keeps me going in this world: honesty, truth, love and whatever the result is: I call it beauty. And then I thought, let's give it a French title, because my love for harmony, color and structure hugely originates in France. So 'amour' it was; a piece written over and over again with growing joy every time I refined (and reduced) it.
When Yumiko Segawa first played it I remember saying afterwards: that was almost Debussy, wasn't it? It has a tender and discreet feel that reminds me of 'canope' and 'brouillards'. Excuse me if it sounds pretentious. It is just the nice thing that 'amour' is telling an essential
thing in a non-pretentious way. Without raising a voice. Without fiddling Zeitgeist or bluff.
Piet-Jan van Rossum

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