gerelateerde werken

Surrounded by Air - Appearance IV : for nonet & percussion / Bianca Bongers

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Gemengd ensemble (2-12 spelers)
Bezetting: fl ob cl fg h vn vla vc db perc

One Two Play (Volume 1) : 12 pieces for violin and easy piano accompaniment / Sonja Schwedersky

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Viool en toetsinstrument
Bezetting: vl pf

Sonate : for violin and piano / Samuel Schuijer

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Viool en toetsinstrument
Bezetting: vl pf

Angel : Version for violin and piano / Maxim Shalygin

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Viool en toetsinstrument
Bezetting: vl pf



Echo : for violin and piano / Bianca Bongers

Uitgavenummer: 22117
Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Viool en toetsinstrument
Bezetting: vl pf
Bijzonderheden: Written for Tosca Opdam and Alexander Ullman, commissioned by NTR Podium to remember 400th years after Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621). The premiere was broadcasted on NPO Radio 4 on 7th of may 2021, Hilversum.
Tijdsduur: 5'00"
Aantal spelers: 2
Compositiejaar: 2021
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Bongers, Bianca (Componist)
Echo is linked to Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck and his ‘Echo Fantasias’, where he used the different registers of the organ resembling this effect. The idea of an echo, which naturally has a spatial character by sound traveling within a certain space, is something very applicable to my way of thinking. In this piece I was looking for different types of the echo, as ‘an echo on Sweelinck’. To get in touch with the space that surrounded him during his life, I made a walk from his house at Koestraat 15 to the ‘Oude Kerk’ in Amsterdam, where he worked as an organ player for 40 years. This five minute walk is exactly the time stretch of this piece, that I followed during composing.
Bianca Bongers

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