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Pancabana : for twelve players, (1983/86) / Wim Laman
Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
1111 1000 harm pf 2vl vla vc cb
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str pf bells
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Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
fl ob cl-b fg h trp trb xylmar pf 2vl vla vc cb
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Pancabana : for twelve players, (1983/86) / Wim Laman
Overige auteurs:
Laman, Wim
Program note (English): In various cultures, past and present, numerology has an important place in thinking: it lends a pretence of rationality to the inexplicable. The classic example is of course Pythagoras: the cosmic harmony; all things, in their mutual relations, can be reduced to numeric proportions.
In Pancabana the figure 5 plays a central role, but by no means with the intention to make the music more mysterious than it is by magic tricks or secretiveness: music is and will remain a metaphor for what is going on in the world of human emotion and thought (unless that is a myth..). Directly connected with the figure 5 is a geometrical figure, a five-pointed star that can be drawn in one streak: the pentagram. This figure represents numerous symbolic meanings, and especially that of the Golden Section. The latter aspect has been of importance in Pancabana's set-up.
The work consists of 5 movements - the first and second merging into one another without interruption, and the same applies to the fourth and fifth. So for the ear it is a matter of a three-part work. In parts 1 + 2 and parts 4 + 5 the piano dominates; in the slow third part the harmonium acts as an axis of harmonies characterized by fourths.
Point of departure is 5 five-tone chords (each of these used freely within the bounds of its possibilities of inversion and transposition); 5 rhythmic figures and their mirror image; 5 melodic types.. in short, enough to suggest a straightjacket scheme. Nothing of the sort, however.
Systematism is relativized by compositorial irony - as the stern geometrical figure can be related to the human shape. An intuitive (this does not mean: irrational) handling, therefore, of self-formulated rules of play, in order to create dynamic music that may be associated, if desired, with the love-god Kâmadeva's surname - in the Bengalese 'Gitagovinda' epic -: Pancabana (= 'the Five-arrowed'), but this is neither necessity nor condition.. - WIM LAMAN