gerelateerde werken

Le cheval : voor mezzo-sopraan, accordeon en violoncello, 1990 / op teksten van Jacques Prévert, Bernard van Beurden

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en instrument(en)
Bezetting: sopr-m acc vc

Quote... unquote : for mezzo-soprano and small ensemble (version with harp) / Klaas ten Holt

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en instrument(en)
Bezetting: sopr-m fl cl vla vc 2perc hp

Op dagen van licht : for mezzo soprano and wind ensemble : liederencyclus vol verlangen / Claudia Rumondor

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en instrument(en)
Bezetting: sopr-m fl(pic) ob cl sax-a fg h trp trb perc cb

Who takes care of the children? : for soprano, violin and piano / Chiel Meijering

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en instrument(en)
Bezetting: sopr pf vl



La messe : for solo mezzo-soprano, accordion and cello and large wind orchestra, 1988 / text by Paul Verlaine, Bernard van Beurden

Uitgever: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1989
Uitgavenummer: 04676
Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en instrument(en)
Bezetting: sopr-m 3242 5sax 4342 barh 6perc acc-vc-solo
Bijzonderheden: Franse tekst met Nederlandse vert. apart afgedrukt. - In opdracht van de Rotterdamse Kunststichting. - Opgedragen aan Maria Kuster. - Tijdsduur: 21'
Tijdsduur: 21'00"
Compositiejaar: 1988
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Verlaine, Paul (Tekstdichter/librettist)
Beurden, Bernard van (Componist)
Program note (English): As a child I sang for several years in the Roman Catholic church choir. First in the boys' choir and later, after my voice changed, in among the men. We sang Gregorian plainsong, music I adored at the time. And still do. It was not only the music that enchanted me, but the ritual as well. The candlelight, the acts performed, the entire setting, and especially the theatrical event of the procession. I enjoyed it with all my heart and time and time again, it was a grand experience for me to be able to make my vocal contribution.
But one thing already bothered me at the time and I wanted no part of it: religious faith itself, particularly the way it was more or less forced upon me. It was not an option, it was an absolute must, and I had to sing to boot.
It is precisely this conflict that La Messe is about. Perhaps, one might say, about the memory and the re-arousal of this conflict.
The parts of the Roman Catholic Mass have been maintained: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei.
As lyrics I chose the free, poetic translation by the French poet Paul Verlaine. The life Paul Verlaine led was an extremely turbulent one, and that is putting it mildly. During short periods of tranquility and repentance, he would write poetry of great beauty and piety. This is why I selected his translation to replace the fine Latin and Gregorian.
The three soloists, soprano, 'cello and accordion, stand as the three celebrants of the Roman Catholic Mass before the populace, the orchestra. The music moves between moments of quietude, sudden outbursts of rage, the pious church song and hymnal waves.
Kyrie calls for compassion, Gloria rejoices, Credo believes (be it with the necessary sarcasm Je crois!!!!! ), Sanctus begins reticently but then blares a threefold Hosanna and lastly Agnus Dei calls out for peace. Which is not a bad thing nowadays.- BERNARD VAN BEURDEN

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