gerelateerde werken

Fleurs du mal : 1980/81 / [texte] (Ch. Baudelaire), Wim Laman

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en orkest
Bezetting: sopr-m/alt fl(fl-a) fl(pic) ob ob(eh) 2cl cl-b fg fg(cfg) 2sax 4h 2trp 2trb tb 3perc str( tape vl-solo

Magna res est Amor / Hendrik Andriessen

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en orkest
Bezetting: sopr 2222 4000 str

Die Nacht : Elegie von Friedrich Hölderlin, für Alt-Solo und Orchester / componirt von Alphons Diepenbrock

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en orkest
Bezetting: alt/sopr-m 2222 4131 timp perc hp man str

Aria van de kleine zeemeermin : for soprano and orchestra, (1949) / Rudolf Escher

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en orkest
Bezetting: sopr(-m) 2222 sax-a 3210 perc hp pf(cel) str 3ondes martenot/3vl-solo



Canto infernale : per soprano e 3 gruppi strumentali, 1978 (revisione 1980) / testo: Dante Alighieri; Eustache Deschamps, musica: Wim Laman

Uitgever: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1979
Uitgavenummer: 06024
Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Zangstem en orkest
Bezetting: sopr 2032 heck sax-b 4331 2perc str(
Bijzonderheden: Italiaanse tekst met Nederlandse vert. en Franse tekst apart afgedrukt. - Opgedragen aan het Residentie Orkest. - Tijdsduur: ca. 20'
Tijdsduur: 20'00"
Compositiejaar: 1978
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Dante Alighieri (Tekstdichter/librettist)
Deschamps, Eustache (Tekstdichter/librettist)
Laman, Wim (Componist)
Program note (English): Starting point of this work was a pentatonic scale and a transposition of it. A transposition, as I applied the transposition principle in a very unconstrained way in regards to melody. This two-fold starting point - the scale and its transposition a minor second apart - entailed automatically the augmented fourth, the 'diabolus in musica' (of course since it is a Song of Hell).
The choice of the pentatonic scale arose also from a need for harmonic coherence in the structure of the work as a whole, to avoid a complete scattering (and a chaotic impression) of the musical material. Out of the basic scale I developed a series of chords, each of which form the central element of the successive phases.
Underlying this composition are the characteristics of the nine circles of Dante's 'Inferno' . Fantasy or not, it is characteristic by the cruelty of medieval thinking that celestial beatitude should include the spectacle of the sinners' torments in hell. So there is an interlacing of reality and fantasy, also found in Dante's 'Commedia'. Dante's language is so expressive and realistic that it was believed until long after his death that he really had made the journey in the hereafter as he related it. In 'Canto infernale', I emphasized the relation between reality and fantasy by quoting, along with fragments from Dante's fantastic tale, a gloomy poem by Eustache Deschamps. Gloomy, because Deschamps lived in a time when Europe was afflicted by long wars, peasants revolts, plundering hirelings and the pestilence causing millions of deaths, and out of a mystic-religious attitude he developed a cynical-moralistic view.
Is such a mystic-religious attitude still present? Although in respect to religion the edges have been smoothed, human malice has survived, often hidden by a refined system of mystification that has the power to set masses into motion and to transform them into ruthless murderers. Thus hell is man's invention, made actual time and again under the name of Auschwitz, Dresden, Vietnam, torture rooms, etc. - WIM LAMAN

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