gerelateerde werken

Pancabana : for twelve players, (1983/86) / Wim Laman

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Groot ensemble (12 of meer spelers)
Bezetting: 1111 1000 harm pf 2vl vla vc cb

Konsertante muziek : altviool, blazers, slagwerk, 1975 / Bernard van Beurden

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Altviool en groot ensemble
Bezetting: 2222 2221 perc vla-solo

XXIII : Streams & chorals, for viola and winds, 1991 / Jos Kunst

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Altviool en groot ensemble
Bezetting: 1111 4sax 1110 vla-solo

Serenade : voor altviool en blazersensemble, (1976) / Benno Torrenga

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Altviool en groot ensemble
Bezetting: 2232 2000 2vc cb vla-solo



Musica, ars subtilior : viola, 16 strumenti a fiato, gran cassa, 1976 / Wim Laman

Uitgever: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1976
Uitgavenummer: 07494
Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Altviool en groot ensemble
Bezetting: 0242 2sax 2220 perc vla-solo
Bijzonderheden: Voor altviool solo, 2 hobo's (1 hobo tevens althobo), 2 klarinetten, bassethoorn, basklarinet, 2 fagotten, 2 altsaxofoons (1 altsaxofoon tevens sopraansaxofoon), 2 hoorns, 2 trompetten, 2 trombones en grote trom. - Voorw. in het Engels en Nederlands. - Tijdsduur: 13'
Tijdsduur: 13'00"
Aantal spelers: 18
Compositiejaar: 1976
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Laman, Wim (Componist)
Ad fontes
Danse macabre
Program note (English): "If the new art is said to be more subtle than the ancient, then - granting this - one should also say that it is not therefore more perfect."
Thus Jacob of Liège (in Speculum Musicae) cautiously characterized the new music of his era, which as "Ars Nova" in reaction to the "Ars antiqua" manifested itself in a further expanding subtlety ('subtilitas') in the field of harmony and rhythm, in connection with a new notation.

The score of Musica subtilior arose from the idea that the situation in which our music now moves resembles the strained relationship between "Ars antiqua" and "Ars nova" in the 14th century. Here the strained relationship is transposed to a contrast between woodwind and brass, to which the 'viola obligato' appears as catalyst: after a quiet introduction, it has a stylistic quote ('Ad fontes') which is taken over by the brass some time later. Anxiety increases: the woodwinds become increasingly activated; the 'secure' stylistic quote is abandoned ('Escape'). The alternative is an unbridled "Danse macabre" in which a mechanistic serial technique alienates itself into a mortal technocracy. Total weariness is the effect - but 'Resignation' is not the alternative we need! Just as Beethoven's deafness urged him to resignation, so a 'deaf-of-the-mind' can be followed by a disastrous lethargy - in music as well as in society ...- WIM LAMAN

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