gerelateerde werken

Canon en motet : over "Ecce gratum et optatum", voor gemengd koor a cappella, (1966) / Piet Ketting

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: GK4

Album (Volume 1) : for cello en piano

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Cello en toetsinstrument
Bezetting: vc pf

Rimpelingen (Concerto Nº 4) : Arrangement for cello and piano / Jan-Peter de Graaff; arranged by Rick van Veldhuizen

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Cello en toetsinstrument
Bezetting: vc pf

Behind the Moon : for cello and piano / Calliope Tsoupaki

Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Cello en toetsinstrument
Bezetting: vc pf



Sonata : per violoncello e pianoforte, 1928 / [rev. in 2008 by Otto Ketting], Piet Ketting

Uitgever: Amsterdam: Muziek Centrum Nederland, cop. 2008
Uitgavenummer: 11770
Genre: Kamermuziek
Subgenre: Cello en toetsinstrument
Bezetting: vc pf
Aantal spelers: 2
Compositiejaar: 1928; rev. 2008 by OTTO KETTING
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Ketting, Otto (Bewerker)
Ketting, Piet (Componist)
Delen: 1. Lento
2. Allegro molto
3. Lento
Program note (English): In the archives of the Nederlands Muziek Instituut in The Hague, cellist Doris Hochscheid and pianist Frans van Ruth found the manuscript of a Sonata for cello and piano composed by Piet Ketting in 1928. At that time Ketting was still a student of Willem Pijper. Other compositions dating back to that period, like the Four Sonatinas for piano (1926-1929) and the Trio Sonata for flute, bass-clarinet and piano (1928), have already been published by Donemus. The Cello Sonata turns out to be a lovely piece, showing how the young composer was developing his own language while facing with the composition techniques of his teacher. For that reason, composer Otto Ketting, son of Piet Ketting, was invited to prepare the sonata for publication. His job was not too demanding, because the sonata was completely finished. In fact, it had been performed in 1930 by Marix Loevensohn, solo cellist of the Concertgebouworkest, who was sincerily devoted to the music of his time.

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