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...e poi c’era… : Symphony Nº 1 / Luc Brewaeys

Genre: Orkest
Subgenre: Orkest
Bezetting: 3fl 3ob 3cl 3fg 4h 3trp 3trb tb 4perc hp pf perc

De droom : opera, Hilversum 1962-1963 / Ton de Leeuw

Genre: Opera, muziektheater
Subgenre: Opera
Bezetting: sopr a-mezzo bar GK4 3222 2220 timp 2perc mar hp str dancers

De varkenshoeder : jeugd-opera in drie bedrijven, gecomponeerd 1951, uitgebreid en opnieuw geïnstrumenteerd in (...) 1959 / door Nico Schuyt, tekst: Nelly Burgdorffer

Genre: Opera, muziektheater
Subgenre: Opera
Bezetting: 6soloists GK4 2(111) 0(1)00 perc pf4h str(vl vla vc) (hp cb ad lib.)

Expeditionen : Opera in 2 acts with a prologue, an intermezzo and an epilogue / Klas Torstensson

Genre: Opera, muziektheater
Subgenre: Opera
Bezetting: sopr ten bar bas-bar 3343 2sax 4332 timp 5perc hp g-b acc pf 2synth str



L’uomo dal fiore in bocca : Opera in one act / Luc Brewaeys; libretto by the composer after Luigi Pirandello / Torquato Tasso

Uitgavenummer: 13624
Genre: Opera, muziektheater
Subgenre: Opera
Bezetting: voc 2fl(picc, fl-a) ob eh 2cl(cl-b) 2fg 4h 3trp 2trb tb-b 3perc hp str
Tijdsduur: 45'00"
Compositiejaar: 2006
Status: volledig gedigitaliseerd (direct leverbaar)

Overige auteurs:
Brewaeys, Luc (Componist)
This work was commissioned by the Belgian National Opera. Bernard Foccroulle, the director, proposed me the theatre text by Luigi Pirandello and after reading it I immediately felt it was an extremely suitable text for me to set. I worked on the original text, which was too long for a 45-minutes opera, together with my wife Birgit Van Cleemput. We had done this before (as far as in 1989) for "Non lasciate ogni speranza". The piece starts as a dialogue but evolves into a monologue of "the man with the flower in the mouth". In the course of the play the wife of the man is mentioned, but since she's not speaking we got the idea to "transpose" the presence of the woman by adding three female voices to the orchestra in the pit. For musical reasons I want them to remain "present" till the end of the work, so we needed to find another (preferably also italian) text to be sung. We finally chose a poem by Torquato Tasso : "Vivrò fra I miei tormenti" which we felt is close to the emotional context of the Pirandello play.

The work is -in a sense- also a Tuba concerto, as the tuba is the instrumental counterpart of "l'uomo". In the center of the opera "l'uomo" sings an almost 5-minutes long "aria" along with the tuba without any other instrument. At the end, the tuba also plays the last reminiscence of the main musical gesture.

The first performance took place on February 9, 2007 at the Royal National Opera (La Monnaie) in Brussels. Patrick Davin conducted the orchestra of the National Opera, Davide Damiani sang the title role, Stephan Vanaenrode played his alter-ego on the tuba while Yves Saelens sang the client role. Frédéric Dussenne staged the work with stage design by Vincent Lemaire.

I dedicate this score to Johan Huys, a dear friend wo has given me much of advice and who always has been one of my best musical critics, also -by the way- during the composition of this opera. I also dedicate the score to the memory of my father in law and composer Werner Van Cleemput who passed away last summer.

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