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The Second Book of Madrigals : for 4 voices / Cipriano de Rore, Giovanni da Palestrina, published by Antonio Gardano; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers

Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: GK

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The Second Book of Madrigals : for 4 voices / Cipriano de Rore, Giovanni da Palestrina, published by Antonio Gardano; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers

Uitgavenummer: 16974
Genre: Vocaal
Subgenre: Gemengd koor
Bezetting: GK
Bijzonderheden: Early Music Edition.
Compositiejaar: published 1571
Status: Unieke collectie Renaissance-handschriften overgebracht naar hedendaagse notatie. Honderden vocale werken die in verschillende bibliotheken in Europa waren weggestopt en nu voor het eerst beschikbaar zijn dankzij redacteur Cees Wagemakers.

Overige auteurs:
Gardano, Antonio (Samensteller)
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluiggi da (Componist)
Wagemakers, Cees (Editor)
Rore, Cipriano De (Componist)
Un’ altra volta la germania strida (4’)
G.P. da Palestrina: Canzon (c. 35’)
Chi non sa com’ amor (1’45”)
Schieta arbuscel (3’45”)
Beato me direi (2’45”)
O sonno (3’30”)
Fontana di dolore (3’)
Datemi pace (3’15”)
Mentre la prima mia (2’45”)
Mia benigna fortuna (3’45”)
The madrigals in this book by De Rore were published after his death. Some of them are rather ‘experimental’, e.g. in O sonno, showing sequences that remind to Lassus’ Prophetiæ Sybillarum. The title (O Sleep) is deceiving: one cannot fall asleep while singing this madrigal; it’s too difficult, although mostly homophonic. Remarkable in this book is the combination of two composers that are both great enough to be published on their own account: De Rore and Palestrina. Yet there were other occasions of De Rore and Palestrina featuring in one book: In the Choirbook Ms. 46 in the Bavarian State Library there is the Missa Benedicta es by da Palestrina (also available at Donemus) and the Missa Praeter rerum seriem by De Rore.
Cees Wagemakers, 2018

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