gerelateerde werken
Roemeense melodie (Hebreeuwse melodie) : Version for violin, cello and piano / Dick Kattenburg
Pianotrio (piano, viool, cello)
vn vc pf
Duo : for violin and cello / Géza Frid
Andere combinaties van strijkinstrumenten
vl vc
Deux Mouvements : for clarinet choir / Frédéric Devreese
cl cl-b cl-cb db(ad lib)
The insects are coming : for guitar trio, 1983, revision 1989 / Chiel Meijering
Forbidden Music Regained : Volume 2
Overige auteurs:
Belinfante, Daniel
Bordewijk-Roepman, Johanna
Bosmans, Henriëtte
Chapiro, Fania
Dresden, Sem
Frid, Géza
Hanf, Robert
Hijman, Julius
Kattenburg, Dick
Krieg, Hans
Lachman, Hans
Leo Smit Stichting
Leo Smit Stichting
Leo Smit Stichting
Leo Smit Stichting
Leo Smit Stichting
Leo Smit Stichting
Leo Smit Stichting
Leo Smit Stichting
Lilien, Ignace
Richter, Nico
Rosa, Andries de
Smit, Leo
Spanjaard, Martin
Wertheim, Rosy
Leo Smit Stichting
Daniël Belinfante: Trio for flute, oboe and bassoon
Julius Hijman: 2nd Sonata for violoncello and piano
Dick Kattenburg: Escapade for two violins
Dick Kattenburg: Escapade, version for two violas
Hans Krieg: Jiskor: In memoriam for string orchestra and soprano ad libitum
Hans Lachman: Quatuor à cordes
Hans Lachman: Sonata for violoncello and piano
Hans Lachman: Two Fanfares for three trumpets and 4 trombones
Ignace Lilien: Modern Times Sonata for violin and piano
Nico Richter: Concertino for cello and 6 solo instruments
Andries de Rosa: Rhapsodie orientale for violin and piano
Daniël Belinfante: Eerste Strijkkwartet
Leo Smit: Quintette à cuivre (arranged by Bob Zimmerman)
Leo Smit: Sonata for flute and piano
Leo Smit: Sextuor for wind quintet and piano
Martin Spanjaard: Drei Lieder & Wiegeliedje for voice and piano
Rosy Wertheim: Vier Lieder for voice and piano
Rosy Wertheim: Ouverture for orchestra
Daniël Belinfante: Pianoconcertino for piano and chamber orchestra
Johanna Bordewijk-Roepman: Epiloog for orchestra
Henriëtte Bosmans: Sonate for violin and piano
Fania Chapiro: Tweede Cellosonate for violoncello and piano
Sem Dresden: Suite for wind quintet and piano, naar Rameau
Géza Frid: Twenty Duets for two violins
Robert (Bob) Hanf: Strijksextet
The series 'Forbidden Music Regained' proudly presents works by composers who were persecuted during the Second World War. Performances of these works were forbidden during the war. Many composers were imprisoned, several did not survive and others went into hiding.
After the war a new generation took over. The pre-war composers were soon forgotten and their compositions remained hidden in closets and archives or fell otherwise into oblivion. In recent decades numerous works have been rediscovered through the efforts of the Leo Smit Foundation. Some scores were found in attics, others in a garden shed and a pile of music was found by young children next to a garbage can. These compositions are of a high quality and deserve to be performed again. The diversity of styles represents the entire spectrum of the first half of the Twentieth century: romanticism, impressionism, modernism, neoclassicism, jazz, and so forth. This project aims to encourage musicians, young and old, from across the globe to perform these compositions, and for concert audiences to (once again) become acquainted with this “unheard” music.